Friday, December 28, 2007

Trust ...

So ... some reading this might have heard of "getting a word" for the year. I'm thinking about a new year right around the corner and what I would like to see happen. Goal setting ... I'm a humongously (is that a word) goal oriented person. So, I'm praying about and considering what this year's "word" might be. 2007's word was "freedom" - I've had some new discoveries about what it means to be free. Whether it's spiritual freedom, personal freedom, whatever. I need freedom, but I realize now that freedom the way God designed it has nothing to do with what I want to do with my life, but more about how I can serve Him with my life. Because of Jesus sacrifice for me, I am free from sin (forgiven) and can serve God with purpose! Free to use the unique gifts he's given me to bless those in my sphere of influence. Perhaps that sphere of influence has grown with the start of this blog - open to whomever might happen upon it! I hope that's true. Well, 2008's word seems to be "trust." Whoa. Scary. I need to trust God for his provision. I need to trust that what my husband says is what he means. (It's okay to laugh if you can relate). I need to trust my gifts. No more doubt. No more worry. ...yeah right, I'm human, but I believe this year is going to bring some growth in that area. In an effort to do something creative everyday, today was a journal day. Here's what I came up with as part of my journal entry - thought I would share it with you. It's simple, but I like it. copyright 2007 all rights reserved

Here's to a new year and a continued journey in the freedom to trust God for everything!

1 comment:

meg duerksen said...

sounds like it's going to be a great year julie.

you are such a deep thinker.
i always liked that about you...especially since i am so flighty.

i responded to the one gift thing in the comments on my blog...if you are interested. why we did it and all that.

your little baby is so sweet!
it's weird that you have kids i've never seen before!
take care!

About Me

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Chicagoland, United States
I'm a creative spirit who, only recently, has discovered that I must do something creative every day. I love my three children. I love my hard working husband. I love experiencing God's goodness in everyday things and my deepest desire is to grow more in love with Him every day. I love worship, I love God's Word, and I love expressing the gifts he's given me through art and in my home. I am passionate about life and all things creative! All text, art, and photos are copyrighted 2007 - 2008 all rights reserved.

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