Sunday, April 20, 2008

art journal - "alive"

Another journal page! Wish I had had more time to think about this one .. I don't have the time to think about dinner let alone think deep thoughts these days. My daughter is psycho. She had an incident with the sidewalk yesterday. Kiana vs. the sidewalk - the sidewalk won. Poor baby - I have a feeling most of her summer will be full of scrapes and accidents. She's so carefree and seriously lacks in the fear department. She fears nothing. At 14 months she's climbing everything the boys climb, I hope I don't die of a heart attack at my youthful age of 35. She's a tough cookie though so most tumbles she handles like a trouper. Anyway ... there's nothing more alive than my daughter these days.

My journal page is simple it sort-of speaks for itself. Color makes me feel alive - I feel most alive when I'm with people - being an extrovert I need people. I also need to maintain my joy of life. I think life is tough, but if I were to ever loose the joy of being alive, my soul would shrivel up. Be alive today.

Here's something to give you a laugh if you need help feeling alive today. My son wanted this little comic book (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) from his school book fair so badly that I let him get it with his own money ... it's a little rough around the edges (very very boy humor), which is why I wouldn't buy it for him. But if you can get past it ... it's quite funny. In the book, the kid journals about his life and decides he wants to draw comics. Here's the little comic that we couldn't stop laughing about this weekend. Please forgive me if you think this is offensive. I think it's hilarious.

The boy goes to the doctor's office and has this conversation.
Creighton: "Doctor, can I have a new butt? Mine has a crack in it."
Doctor: "Creighton, I've told you a million times everyone's butt has a crack in it!"
Creighton: "Oh yeah, I forgot."

One reason I think it's so funny is because when Hunter was about 3, he discovered something new about himself in the mirror and was dancing around singing, "I have a cut butt, I have a cut butt!" He'll never live that down. Family joke - we still laugh about it. So ... hope that brings a little life into your day if you needed it ... maybe it even reminded you of some silly little thing in your own life that you can't help but smile about when you remember it. I really hope no one is offended. This is the reality of my life - boys, butts, farts, burps, boogers, and conversation about such preferably not at the dinner table. My boys help me to not take life too seriously - so every so often I embrace the joy of talking about simple things like these - sometimes I even instigate it - otherwise I risk taking life too seriously.

1 comment:

Angel said...

The more & more I read your blog, I swear our kids are so much alike! Boys & little girl ! My Maddy climbed sooo much more than the 2 boys put together! She stands in shopping carts ( the front)! She is fearless too! She runs / hops down the stairs! RUNS across the sofa back & forth! Every single grey hair I have... came from her! I enjoy reading! Thanks for sharing ... I get a giggle that others who KNOW what I go through!

About Me

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Chicagoland, United States
I'm a creative spirit who, only recently, has discovered that I must do something creative every day. I love my three children. I love my hard working husband. I love experiencing God's goodness in everyday things and my deepest desire is to grow more in love with Him every day. I love worship, I love God's Word, and I love expressing the gifts he's given me through art and in my home. I am passionate about life and all things creative! All text, art, and photos are copyrighted 2007 - 2008 all rights reserved.

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